Grey Nomad Tax Advisers
West Beach Taxation
To contact Eric by email -

Eric Taylor, B.Com (Adel), FIPA, CTA is the principal of Grey Nomad Tax Advisers, West Beach Taxation & Australian SMSF Audits.
Registered Tax Agent and Registered SMSF Auditor.
ABN 76 114 458 058 - Tax Agent reg. 67299 - SMSF Auditor 100006899 - © 2017

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
About Grey Nomad Tax Advisers
Grey Nomad Tax Advisers & West Beach Taxation are registered business names of a small, personal accounting and taxation practice owned by Eric Taylor.  Eric is a qualified accountant who has worked in public practice for nearly 30 years.  He is a registered tax agent and SMSF Auditor, a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA) and a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA).
About Eric Taylor
After a varied career, including starting work as a bank employee and then owning a small supermarket for over 7 years, Eric obtained mature entry to the University of Adelaide and obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree.  From that time he has worked as an accountant in public practice.  While Eric enjoys working with his clients to resolve their tax issues and lodge their tax returns, he decided in 2014 that it was time to wind back a little and enjoy more of what Australia has to offer.  With his wife, they purchase a motorhome, however, at that time he decided he was still able to assist individuals to fulfill their tax obligation.  Eric established his own tax practice and assisted a range of clients, both from his home and from the motorhome while touring.    In 2018, Eric reach the age of 65-years, with his wife a little older.  Recent health issues caused Eric to review the arrangement.  The decision was made that life needed more Grey Nomading and less Tax Advising.

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