Grey Nomad Tax Advisers
West Beach Taxation
Email Eric today for more information -

Eric Taylor, B.Com (Adel), FIPA, CTA is the principal of Grey Nomad Tax Advisers, West Beach Taxation & Australian SMSF Audits.
Registered Tax Agent and Registered SMSF Auditor.
ABN 76 114 458 058 - Tax Agent reg. 67299 - SMSF Auditor 100006899 - © 2017

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

The information included on these pages is of a general nature and should be used only as a guide.  Information may apply differently to different people in different circumstances.  Taxation, superannuation and related laws and practices can change frequently and without warning.  Caution must be exercised when relying on any information.  Advice specific to an individual’s situation should be sought from a qualified and, where required by law, registered source.

The information provided by Grey Nomad Tax Advisers & West Beach Taxation on this website does not constitute financial product advice, legal advice or professional advice.

Grey Nomad Tax Advisers & West Beach Taxation, its principal, employees, agents, representatives, authors and any other party involved in the preparation and presentation of this website expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person or other legal entity, whether a client of Grey Nomad Tax Advisers & West Beach Taxation or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted from being done by any such person or other legal entity relying in the information, whether in whole or in part.

Eric Taylor, the principal of Grey Nomad Tax Advisers & West Beach Taxation is a Registered Tax Agent and is authorised to provide advise in relation to Federal Taxation legislation including Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Goods & Services Tax.  Please note that we are NOT financial planners or advisers and are therefore not authorised to provide advice in relation to investments, except to the extent that such advice relates to tax laws.  Upon request, we are able to provide contact details for a mumber of licenced financial advisers, however, under the current legislation, we are unable to make any  recommendations in relation to those advisers. 
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